A Heart for Children Foundation
About Us
A Heart for Children Foundation
A program dedicated to supporting children with disabilities and their families on their journey.
AHFC empowers every child to explore, develop, and succeed by providing meaningful and inclusive early learning experiences in school, at home, and in the community.
Every child will reach their full potential, daily, across environments.
Demonstrating respect for each other and for children and their families.
Taking a family-centered approach where the unique needs of every family including the culture, language, ethnicity, and structure are respected and active parent participation is encouraged.
Maintaining a high level of professionalism, credentials, and conduct.
Exhibiting integrity where our actions are consistent with our words
Operating with honesty by following all relevant industry regulations and requirements.
Ensuring a safe work environment where children, their families, and program staff feel secure.
Fostering relationships between program staff, children and their families, and other community stakeholders.
Committing to inclusiveness so that every child can participate in any environment.
Delivering quality services with measurable results.
Making services accessible in whatever environment is most natural and comfortable for children and their families.
Working with key stakeholders for a common approach to child development.
AHFC believes a family deserves:
Quality education
Specialized supports as needed
Resources, tools, and training
Measurable results
A convenient location to receive services
Feedback, progress reporting, and transparency.
A voice in the direction of their child’s educational program.
A strong relationship between stakeholders including their child, the assistant(s), teacher(s) and therapist(s).
Support systems, community resources, and networking referrals.
Respect for their unique beliefs and culture.
AHFC believes a child deserves:
To play and make sense of their world.
Encouragement and praise.
Recognition and rewards.
A good connection/strong bond with teachers, therapists, parents, peers, and their community.
Variety in the delivery, approach, tasks, etc. associated with programming.
To be appropriately challenged.
Moderated and individualized program development and delivery.